
Hello world

Jan 6, 2023


just setting up my twttr – i mean site




just setting up my twttr

2:50 PM

Mar 21, 2006

Well. I finally conquered every designer's worst fear – a portfolio redesign. Aside from stressing over the obvious design-focused problems, I was most worried about my tech stack, creating a CMS, and making something I had complete control over.

I constantly delayed any updates to my portfolio/website for literally years. I refused to touch my last site as it was dated and developed by a then incredibly fresh developer, Chris. As a result, I knew very little about good code practice, components, and JavaScript. And to be honest, I still have a lot to learn.

My last website was designed and developed over three years ago from the date I am writing this. I was transitioning between focusing on pre-medicinal studies to computer science, continuing to practice design and freelance, and scrambling and putting together a portfolio to apply to internships. I remember regrettably coding out every single paragraph, image, header, etc. component, for a case study. It took me no less than a full day of monotonous copy/pasting.

Here's to the new year and to conquering design portfolios.